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Long gun rack, 19th C.

Long gun rack, 19th C.

Long gun rack

19th Century

Piękna szafa Biedermeier

Height: 148 cm
Width: 109 cm
Depth: 50 cm
Ask about price! kontakt@antique-design.pl
Offer number: 147

We are pleased to offer you a very rare display stand for long weapons. It is a very unique and outstanding piece of furniture coming from XIX century. The whole is built of cherrywod. The rack fits 5 units of weapon and additionally is equipped with two little drawers in the upper part. The structure of furniture is adapted to be placed in the corner of the room. It is in a very good condition, the construction preserved in original way, the surfaces were refreshed in our studio. Black lacquered and ready to immediate use.




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Antiques of the Biedermeier period

Elegant, aesthetic and at the same time free from excessive decorativeness or monumentality. These antiques, being the original decoration of home interiors, are also a perfect investment of capital.

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